DESCRIPTION: DeoBlox is a cherry or mulberry scented deodorizer. Each block contains pure paradichlorobenzene having low-solubility in water and relatively high volatility near room temperatures.
IDEAL USE: DeoBloxis great for deodorizing Trash Chutes, Water Treatment Facilities, Elevator Shafts and Sewers.
- Cherry fragrance fights odors for up to 14 weeks
- Mesh hanger stock included in 20 pound block for easy application
- Air-activated blocks that freshen and eliminate undesirable odors
DEOBLOX - Cherry Scented Deodorizer
Place or hang in areas that need deodorizing and odor control
- Type - Odor Controlling Deodorizer
- Color - Pink
- Odor - Cherry and Mulberry
- pH Factor - N/A
- Flammability - Non-Flammable
- Toxicity - None
DeoBlox must be used in accordance with label directions